Clark Lewis

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Clark Lewis stats: Age:29 years old, Weight:210 lbs, Height:5’11 ft, Chest:50 in, Waist:33 in, Bicep:19 in, Thigh:28 in, Lang: English

Live Muscle Show says: Clark Lewis is a man’s man. Tall, athletic and hard all over. You can almost smell the masculinity that oozes out of every pore, even on cam. He is a confident guy, easy to talk with, but better to touch. We especially like his hard abs, running our fingers over them, feeling each hard muscle under our hands. Then, there is his broad hairy chest, you can feel the strength and power as you stroke and massage. This is a man who will make you absolutely crazy and have you coming back for more.


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Hollis Mather
Hollis Mather
Articles: 9775

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